On Monday afternoon, May 26, the Valley Elementary School presented their annual Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony with a program consisting of topics titled: America to Me, Pledge of Allegiance, Poem: Kindergarten Graduates, Song: Alphabet Hip Hop, Slideshow, Presentation of Diploma by Teachers and Song: I’m on my Way.
Five and six-year-young Valley Elementary School Kindergarten graduates sailing their caps with joy. Each is a ‘Rookie of the Year’ having thrived under the love and care of Mrs. Suzie Harris. Photos by Jerry Melrose.
Mrs. Suzie Harris, their Classroom Teacher and performance Director, shared her perspective, “We just graduated 27 kindergartners. They did amazing practicing, and never got tired of it. We had lots of interviewer testing for kindergarten, and they did very well; a lot of them know how to read very well. I’m really proud of them for everything they accomplished this year, and for being able to teach this group of kids. They, for being that big, really adapt to new things well. They did remarkable learning so many new things; they work together well and got to be really good friends. I hope it continues through their whole school career and in their lives.”