The email edition of the SUN is delivered Wednesday evening. The print edition is delivered Thursday via U.S. mail, and distributed at retail locations throughout Southern Utah and the Arizona Strip. Ads must be submitted by 5PM on Monday.​
Legal Notices: $0.50/line/week, as published. Proof will be sent for approval. Ad is billed with proof.
Classified Ads (per week): $7.50 minimum, $0.30/word over 25 words. $5 for colored box or logo. $1 for black border. Visual (full color): SM, $20/wk; MD, $25/wk; LG, $30/wk; XL, $35/wk. Classifieds appear in text form on the SUN website at no additional charge. Download a mail-in classified ads form here.
Business & Service Listings: 4-week minimum. $5/inch, 1-5-inch sizes available. Color +$10. Business & Service listings appear in text form on the SUN website at no additional charge.
Website Ads: Three “blocks” available at the bottom of every page: $55/4 weeks, $165/12 weeks, $320/24 weeks. Six “banners” available, one in each weekly story: $45/4 weeks, $135/12 weeks, $260/24 weeks. Contact Don Jennings to place an ad or for more information at donjennings@sunews.net.
Local Schools & Churches: 50% off all ad costs
Obituaries: Avg length obit, one photo, $75; avg length obit, two photos, $80; longer obit, one or more photos, up to $105
Southern Utah News Vacation Guide
The SUN Vacation Guide is the Southern Utah News' free annual visitor information publication, available at local businesses throughout Southern Utah and the Arizona Strip. Advertising in the Guide is available on an annual basis, with sales beginning in January. 50,000 guides are printed and distributed to Zion NP, Bryce Canyon NP, Lake Powell, Grand Canyon NP, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, St. George, Springdale, Page, and Kanab, Contact the SUN to reserve your space in the next edition.