by Robert Lacey

Model trains and a massive Lego display are coming to Kanab! For the last several years, residents of Kane County and surrounding areas have enjoyed the annual Kanab Train Show as it’s steadily grown at the Kanab Library. Their support was wonderful but the show simply outgrew the available room.
With a move to the new Kanab Center and with over four times the amount of space, this year’s show will be orders of magnitude bigger than in the past. There will be at least 10 operating train displays of all different model sizes, some with engines the size of a paperclip to others that would cover a small desk. There will even be a large display of Legos and Lego Trains.
Train clubs are bringing trains to show from as far away as Salt Lake, Orem, St. George, and Las Vegas, besides the local families represented.
This year, there will be several vendors selling toy trains, modeling supplies, and Legos.
There will be no fewer than seven tourist railroads that will be represented, several of which have donated tickets to be given away as door prizes, including trips in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. Come see what they have to offer for your next vacation!
COVID precautions will be taken, including social distancing and face coverings as required by state mandate. With a lot of older folks coming, let’s help everyone stay safe while having a good time.
The show will run Friday, March 5, from 4-9 p.m., and Saturday, March 6, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., at the Kanab Center. You can learn more at