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Masks, quarantine, and everything in between

My name is Kaden Barber. I am a junior and I am one of the writers for the KHS column in the newspaper. I run cross country, I like to read and I like to write. For my first article, I decided to write about what is happening at school right now. Things at school are a lot different than they were a year ago, and it’s all because of Covid-19.

The 2020-2021 school year has definitely been a weird year. We started off the year pretty strong with almost no Covid cases, but as the year progressed, more and more kids got Covid. Kids were getting quarantined left and right. It was like a modern-day Hunger Games.

Before the state changed how Covid would affect school, the rule was if you sat next to someone who tested positive you had to quarantine. Now, it’s only those who actually test positive. This has significantly reduced the number of students who get quarantined, but it hasn’t kept everyone safe from getting quarantined.

All the sports teams get tested on Monday morning before school, and a few people get sent home, but that number is nothing compared to the numbers before.

Masks have been a pretty hot topic, not only at school, but also in our community. Most people at school are pretty good at remembering to wear their masks, but there are a select few who take them off in class, despite what the teachers tell them.

Some teachers give us a daily break called a “mask break” and it gives us a chance to take off our masks and walk around outside.

Personally, I don’t mind wearing a mask. By now, I have gotten so used to it that I don’t even remember to take it off until I’m at my house. Last Monday, I even tried to get a drink of water with my mask on.

There have been a few big events at school recently. The girl’s basketball team had state on Wednesday, Feb. 24, and in order for the student body to go up and support, they had to get tested before they were allowed on the student bus.

The Sadie Hawkins Dance was last Saturday, and in order to go, students had to get the rapid Covid test to prove that they didn’t have it. Students had to write their name and their date’s name down, get tested, and then wait for the results to come back. A handful of students did test positive, but there was still a good turnout to the dance.

School has definitely been a lot crazier this year than it was last year, but hopefully, by next year, we can all go back to school as we did before the pandemic hit.



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