The Fredonia Town Council met in the council chambers at the Fredonia Town Offices on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. Council members Dirk Ballard, Frank Banks, Kenny Johnson, Vice Mayor Cecil Scott, and Mayor Don Johnson were in attendance, as were Town Clerk Tracy Stumpf and Deputy Town Clerk Brittany Jackson. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
The council first addressed consent items, unanimously approving the current meeting’s agenda and minutes from the previous regular meeting and executive session. The council also authorized the Payment Register for October 29, 2024. No comments were offered during the public comment period.
The first item on the agenda was discussion and possible action regarding new fees and forms for records requests. Town Clerk Tracy Stumpf provided additional details on the need and the council unanimously approved the new fees.
The next item was discussion and possible action regarding “At Will Employee for Police Department.” Mayor Johnson read the town’s at will employment policy into the record, an arrangement where either the employee or the employer can terminate employment at any time, for any reason, or no reason. The council then voted to go into Executive Session for further discussion.

After returning from Executive Session, Fredonia Police Officers Tracy Cooper and Nik White, hired in September 2023, approached the dais and asked if their lawyer could call into the meeting. Mayor Johnson said he could, but as he was not on the agenda he could not comment. Officer White placed her phone next to the microphone on the podium and the caller started to speak. Mayor Johnson noted again that he was not on the agenda and could not comment. Officer White removed her phone and both officers remained at the podium.
Mayor Johnson next made a motion, stating, “Because of the at will policy which officers Cooper and White signed and for the future of what is best for the Town of Fredonia I make a motion that we terminate our relationship with Officer Cooper and Officer White as at will employees and thank them for their service.” Vice Mayor Cecil Johnson seconded the motion and all five councilors voted “aye.”
The next item on the agenda was discussion and possible action regarding an RFP for Civil Attorney. The council tabled discussion and action pending further research into the issue.
Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 7:26 p.m.
Fredonia Town Council meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the town offices. Agendas and minutes can be found on the town website at