In its regular commission meeting on August 24, the Kane County Commission unanimously passed Resolution R-2021-25 declaring Kane County a Second Amendment Sanctuary.
The Commission spent many weeks and months addressing citizens’ concerns as well as holding focus groups and town hall meetings across the county to openly solicit input.
The final product, Resolution R-2021-25, is an affirmation that the Kane County Commission and the citizens of Kane County will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Utah Constitution. It also strikes an important and necessary balance: it reinforces the intent and spirit of the Second Amendment allowing citizens the right to decide on matters which concern their lives, liberty, and property in the ordinary course of affairs; while not infringing on law enforcement’s ability to do its sworn duty to serve and protect the public.
The Commission expresses its thanks to all those who helped provide input and engaged in civil discussions on the matter.
To view the resolution in it’s entirety, visit