Last Thursday night was back to school night, and it did not disappoint. Students and their families packed the Fredonia Elementary School gym for dinner, an activity and to meet their teacher. The night started off with teachers dressed in blue and white Lynx football jerseys running through a hand painted sign, while the cheerleaders shouted out cheers as they passed. The teachers were then introduced by Dorene Mudrow, FMUSD Superintendent.

After the introductions, Superintendent Mudrow had teachers sit with families at their table. She explained the importance of working together towards a common goal, and only when we work together, listen and keep a positive attitude are we successful. That led into a small exercise called a blind build. One person was given verbal instruction only on how to build the item from the pvc pipe they were given. The person then returned to their table and had to explain what needed to happen in order to successfully put the pipes together.
In the end Alana Nelson (second grade) and her family with the help of Lumen Ihong (first grade teacher) and Charise Supieza (HS math teacher) made a small chair and were declared the winners. After the blind build dinner was served, everyone was able to mingle and then go meet their teacher and see their new classroom.
Also of importance was the information made available for parents and students by the County Community Services. Encompass, DES with child care and early intervention programs were just a few of the booths parents were able to stop and get more information about. FMUSD wants to thank all the families who came out and supported back to school night. We appreciate all you do for your students, school and community. We have a feeling it’s going to be the best year ever!