Stellar Vista Observatory (SVO) is a local nonprofit established in 2019 whose mission is “to provide observational experiences for people to enjoy, appreciate, and comprehend what we can see in southern Utah’s starry night skies.” January 2025 marked the start of a new program from the organization, “Kane County Friends of the Night Sky.”
Friends of the Night Sky is a free, voluntary community program that will assist Kane County business owners in showcasing their commitment to preserving the beauty of local night skies. Business owners who install dark sky-friendly exterior lighting will receive a window sticker and a listing in the observatory’s online directory, showing customers that they care about keeping the stars shining bright over Kane County.
SVO vice president Natalie Brannon says, “Seeing a child’s awestruck face when they view the rings of Saturn for the very first time is powerful,” going on to add, “Kane County Friends of the Night Sky assists interested businesses in doing what they can to protect our view of the cosmos.”
Learn more about the program at stellarvistaobservatory.org.