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Writer's pictureTracy Hiscock

Kane District awarded federal school security grant

Superintendent Ben Dalton, at the Novem­ber 14 meeting of the Kane District Board of Education, announced that the U.S. Depart­ment of Justice, Of­fice of Community Oriented Policing Ser­vices (COPS) has ap­proved a district pro­posal for funding from the School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP). The federally funded program pro­vides money to states, units of local govern­ment, Indian tribes and public agencies to improve security at schools and on school grounds through ev­idence-based school safety programs.

Kane District, the only district in the state of Utah to have a successful grant ap­plication, will receive $81,888 and will be required to match 25 percent of the total cost. The grant will be used to strengthen school security with the purchase of emer­gency response soft­ware and training in such to improve com­munication between school employees, law enforcement and par­ents.

During the work meeting, the Fiscal Year 23 Financial Au­dit report was pre­sented to the board by the accounting firm of Squire and Company, who conducted the au­dit in August. The firm issued a clean audit opinion, noted that the district finances are in good condition and re­ported that the school financial staff does a very good job. The board later approved the audit report.

The board also heard School Improvement Plan Presentations during the work meet­ing, from Kanab Mid­dle School Principal Braxton Bateman and Kanab High School (KHS) Principal Trev­or Stewart.

KHS Principal Stew­art also presented a Title Nine report, showing the amount of money spent on boys’ and girls’ sports. The report will be filed with the state, as required by law. The purpose of the report is to show that a school receiv­ing federal funding is meeting its legal duty to provide equal athlet­ic opportunity based on sex consistent with Ti­tle IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The report shows that at KHS, of all the stu­dents participating in sports, 43% are young woman and 57% are young men; and that the average amount spent per student in these activities is very close, with the average for young women being slightly higher.

The board heard re­ports on enrollment, school visits, the Re­new America Schools grant and the district Cosmetology Program. It was noted that Su­perintendent Dalton will be presenting at the Utah School Boards Association annual conference on increasing Concurrent Enrollment participa­tion. He also updated the board on Utah State Board of Educa­tion (USBE), which reported that Utah’s public education sys­tem decreased by 1,988 students, a 0.3 percent decrease from the pre­vious year, marking the first time that the Utah public school sys­tem has seen a decline in enrollment.

District Business Manager Cary Re­ese presented a con­struction report and a monthly budget report. He also explained to the board the differ­ence between Lease Revenue Bonds and General Obligation Bonds, as methods for raising funds.

In other business, the board discussed a variety of topics and upcoming events, mental health screen­ing, monthly parent seminars, goals and potential policy chang­es. It approved KHS Cross Country Team’s request for out of state travel, a district build­ing use policy and Pol­icy DAC-1. It accepted the resignation of Julie McQuivey as Kanab Elementary School Secretary. It approved the hiring, subject to a background check, of the following persons: Shirley Sharp and Pam Sloan as paraeduca­tors, Karin Anderson as a substitute teacher and Shirlinda McCabe as a substitute bus driver. Congratula­tions to all.



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