The Commission met on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at the Kane County Courthouse. Commissioners Gant, Chamberlain, and Heaton were in attendance. The meeting was called to order at 3:02 PM. Commissioner Heaton provided the invocation and Commissioner Gant led the room in the Pledge of Allegiance. After approving consent items, the commission addressed the regular agenda.
The commission took time at the top of the meeting to recognize several local residents for their service to the community.
Mike Kenner served on the Kane County Water Conservancy District board of directors for close to a decade. Mr. Kenner reflected on arriving in Duck Creek in 1968 at the age of fifteen and helping to lay water lines by hand with his grandfather. Mike said, “I’m here for all those people, and I was proud to serve.” Commissioner Heaton noted that, “Mike has served as the unofficial mayor and bishop of Duck Creek for about a quarter century now,” joining the room in applauding his service to the community.
Carol Sullivan-Kane was recognized for her many years of service on the board of the Kane County Hospital. Commissioner Heaton noted to appreciative chuckles that, “I got the liaison assignment for the hospital a few years ago, and it became very clear that there were two board members that kind of ran things on there,” adding, “Carol and Karen Albee have been on the board and shaped the direction of the hospital for many years.”
Sullivan-Kane commented, “I’ve enjoyed my opportunity to serve on the hospital board,” going on to add, “It’s been my pleasure to serve the community I love.”
The commission then recognized Karla Johnson for her 31 years of service as Kane County Clerk Auditor. Commissioner Gant, commenting on Johnson’s service to the county, noted that, “Is there anyone who can compete? I don’t think there’s anyone in this room.” Johnson said, “I have absolutely loved this job,” adding, “I love the people I work with. I have yet to meet anyone who I haven’t developed a lot of love and respect for over the years.” She went on to say, “This is the right time. I’m leaving things in great hands.”
Commissioner Heaton commented, “It’s clear what Karla has done for the county and the debt of gratitude we owe her is significant. She will be sorely missed.” Commissioner Gant noted, “She is a great leader,” and, “If you want to get something done you need Karla to have your back.” Sheriff Tracy Glover stood to say, “Karla has had our back at the sheriff’s office probably more than anybody, and we’ve needed it,” adding, “She helped us with some pretty complex problems. She’s taught me a lot.”
Commissioner Gant noted that the strong financial position of the county is in large part due to Johnson’s fiscal management and leadership, adding that credit for this “lies primarily with Karla. That is her work, 100 percent.”
Agenda items for the rest of the meeting included a brief public hearing period to open the 2022 county budget for adjustment and the 2023 budget for approval. After a review presentation by Karla Johnson, the commission unanimously approved the adoption of the 2023 Fiscal Year County Budget.
A handful of housekeeping items and proposals followed the budget vote, the details of which can be viewed at the county website.
The meeting ended with a motion to adjourn at 4:32 PM. The motion carried unanimously.
Kane County Commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 3:00 p.m. at the Kane County Courthouse. Join the meeting by phone at (435) 676-9000 using code 168030#. Recordings of the meetings can be found at