The Kanab City Police Department (KCPD) has been in the process of moving their facilities to a new location on Kanab’s 100 East for some time now, and pending the finalization of a few security items, the department is hosting an open house on November 20 to introduce the community to their new headquarters.

The KCPD have been working out of the new location in parts over the course of the move, so individuals traveling along 100 East may have already noticed some of Kanab City’s officers and support staff in the building. Locals will know the location formerly as the Best Friends Welcome Center, or perhaps the Radio Shack back when Radio Shacks were still in full operation. The KCPD have established operations in the building, which, according to sources within the department, is a significant upgrade to their previous facilities. City officials are on record as calling the previous location “untenable,” “unacceptable” and “insufficient for the Police Department’s current needs, let alone future needs as Kanab grows.”
The new location better fits the current needs of the department, and soon the department will be ready to call the new building their headquarters for the foreseeable future. Kanab City maintains the possibility of a new, dedicated police building in the near future with the current facility meeting the department’s necessities in the interim.
The date of the open house is set for November 20, from 4 - 7 p.m., with plans for family activities. All citizens are welcome to come visit with the KCPD’s officers and see the new location in action.