Our monthly Book Club meeting is August 7, 5 p.m. We will be discussing the books you all read or listened to about “Books turned into Movies.”
The Summer Reading Program, where the many donated goodies (pictured) were given out to all readers, will end on August 3. We had a wonderful summer reading with Kanab families.
On August 14, expert ecologist, Marc Coles Ritchie will tell you all about local grass. An eye and mind opener!
Friends of the Library hosts their annual book sale at Western Legends, August 23 and 24 at the Inchworm Room - Kanab Center, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hundreds of hardbacks and paperbacks for $.50 and $1.
The last Friday of every month the library is closed for maintenance
Libby (an application you can download to your phone) is available for free audiobooks, eBooks and magazines
Free Wi-Fi is available all the time
The Special Collections Room is available for private meetings
Every library book is UV sterilized after each use
We aim to please!