The Kane County Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store has been a staple in our community, but its history is unknown by many. “The Kane County Hospital Auxiliary was formed in February of 1990. The Auxiliary’s primary mission is to assist and encourage the success of the Kane County Hospital.” (SUNews Tuesday, February 9, 1993).
Clippings from Southern Utah News courtesy of Kane County Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store.
The first location of the thrift store was in the Heritage Shopping Center (now a car lot, across from Quality Printing.) The store was such a success, they had to move locations three times in five years. The first move was in 1991 where they moved across the street, next to the old Ace Hardware (387 E 100 S, now Quality Printing). The next move was to the old Tribal Arts building (475 N 300 W). In 1995, that building became too small and the auxiliary went to the county commission to propose a new building on the old site of the travel council. The commission approved it and gave them a 30-year lease, which is ending next year.
As of last year, the auxiliary has brought $3,312,419.00 in total to the hospital. A shout out to all of the volunteers who spend their hours sorting through clothes and other hand-me-down items, in order to bring our county hospital the funds it requires.