by Brittney Johnson USU Extension
In the spirit of holiday giving, Create Better Health in conjunction with Utah State University Extension office is sponsoring a local food drive.
This food drive can impact many families and provide nutritious food to those in need. With your help we can fill our local Care and Share pantry with healthy food this holiday season.
In the giving calendar below are some suggestions of nutritious donations that the pantry is in need of. The majority of these foods fit the USDA requirements of healthy eating.
These regulations are evidence based to provide the human body with adequate nutrients to prevent obesity and function properly. Eating a variety of these types of food, have been proven to lower the risk of chronic disease development and increase health and longevity.
In regulation to COVID mandates this food drive will minimize contact while maximizing donations.
Participants are encouraged to add a commercially packed non-perishable food item to a box each day and drop this box at the Kanab Senior Center (172 E 100 N) on Monday, January 4, from 8 a.m.-11 a.m. and on Saturday, January 9, from 8 a.m.-11 a.m.
Types of food encouraged for donation include peanut butter, chili, canned low-sodium vegetables, meats, beans, brown rice and whole grain pasta. For more healthy donation ideas and a FREE holiday giving calendar, visit .
All families deserve access to healthy food. Join Kane County’s Create Better Health program to fill our local Care and Share food pantry with nutritious, shelf-stable foods and make a difference in your community!
For more information regarding this food drive and other local Create Better Health events, follow us on Instagram: CreateBetterHealthKane and Facebook at: USU Extension – Kane County.