Left to right, photos by Jerry Melrose:
Young Dayna Frost admires her new Pokémon face paint, compliments of artist Sara Bickler, as her chaperone Courtney Chappell looks happily on.
Joann Lamb (left), who pieced the quilt of her own creation together, which was sewn-in by Jorja Hernandez displays their result along with Andrea Spencer. Her daughter-in-law, Belle Spencer, is the coordinating point-person for the Harvest Fest, saying, “All the funds this year will go into improving the Glendale Town Park. And the next year, hopefully, it’ll be a really great event, and it’ll just keep kind of improving the park with the money that we get. That’s the plan!” This year’s raffle drawing-winner is local highly esteemed Americana poet, Myrna Cox.
The newly-christened Harvest Fest, changed recently from the longtime traditional Glendale Apple Festival, hosting numerous countrified activities, including the William Tell Archery Contest. This year’s prize-winners are: Bryce Adair among Senior Division [first place $100], Jeremy Houston [second place $50, plus $100 for hitting the apple] and Brian Kelly [third place $50]. Junior Shooters are: Jayne Adair [first place $100], Porter Roundy [second place $50] and Dillon Roundy [third place $50, plus $100 for hitting the apple]. Pee-Wee awards went to Shad Roundy [first place $100], Colton Roundy [second place $50, plus an Accubow worth $150 for hitting the apple] and Tracen Barnard [third place $50].
VHS Senior Jack Barnes fashioned this spooky pumpkin, for which he won a $25 gift card for Strawz Watering Hole.
Gaige Spencer going for the mandatory eight seconds to the wildly enthusiastic hoots-and-hollers encouragement of family and friends.
“All Aboard the Scavenger Hunt Express!” Moms and kids alike get together to head out for one of 10 listed activities to be checked off on the way to claiming a prize from Joann Lamb at the information booth. Items include high fiving a scarecrow and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.