The newly organized Kane County Commission held their first 2025 regular meeting on January 14. The agenda was short, but with an item of common public interest that drove attendance.

Public comment opened with Alan Seilhammer thanking the county and commission for their participation in Wreaths Across America; said Seilhammer, “You folks did a particularly important part of the program … making sure those names are never forgotten.” He presented the commission with certificates and custom hats as thank-you from the program.
Multiple citizens stood to comment on the proposed fire-protection district - three residents spoke in favor of the resolution, stating it was a suitable and necessary solution that fulfills the agreement between Kanab City and Kane County; one speaker commented in opposition to this resolution, stating this was an insufficient solution and that a countywide combined fire district was more realistic to the future. Kanab City Fire Chief Brett Pierson asked the commission to remember fire protection is not just structure fire protection, but also extrication from burning or at-risk vehicles.
Following the public comment period, the commission started on the agenda in earnest, with the first item considering the appointment of Alan Bate and Ashley Heaton to the Kane County Tourism Tax Advisory Board. The board is organized with representatives from different tourism-based businesses, and Heaton and Bate inherit the seats of Shon Foster and Clay Stewart who reached their term limits. Heaton takes Foster’s seat as a representative of the restaurant and food service business and Bate inherits Stewart’s land-use and property ownership interests. Heaton and Bate were voted in unanimously.
The following agenda item considered the regular 2025 schedule of fees as organized by the County Attorney. Most of the fees were approved as standard, while the Commission made plans to consider some road and Kanab Center usage fees. On a related note, Commissioner Kubeja reminded the public to pay attention to upcoming Garkane rate changes for electric vehicle chargers and associated public hearings.
The last action item on the meeting’s agenda, and the topic that drove most of the meeting’s attendance, was a declaration of intent to establish the Vermillion Cliffs Fire Protection Special Service District. Said Commissioner Gwen Brown, “This has been in the works for a long time. While it’s not perfect, and I agree with Mr. Loveless that county-wide protection would be ideal, I think the people out there need fire protection now … I think this needs to be done as soon as possible so we do not have to pay the $150,000 penalty. I just want to say thank you to all the citizens that have put in many hours of work.”
Commissioner Meyeres moved to approve the resolution with a note, “We have not given up on county wide fire … we’re just moving forward where we can.” A public hearing will be held on the topic on February 27, at 6 p.m., in the commission chambers.
The final agenda item held for the public portion of the meeting was a review of upcoming legislative issues; Commissioner Meyeres cited new codes for tire disposal to mitigate tire fire risk, and a new bill “significantly opposed by the county and the Utah Association of Counties” which would create a new fee on any residence or property on a wildland/ urban interface.
The meeting then went into closed session.