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Red Ribbon Week, Public Hearing declared for November 8

The Kanab City Council started with the regular opening proceedings, before opening for public comment. No members of the public commented.

The city council declared October 23 - 31, 2022, as Red Ribbon week, encouraging and raising awareness for mental health and encouraging healthy living through means like avoiding drug use. The resolution was supported by local youth groups and mental health welfare groups.

The majority of this city council meeting was dedicated to further discussion of the Kanab General Plan, which has now been reviewed in its entirety. A few updates were made, including a few revisions to land use maps to accommodate for city growth through things like added subdivisions and annexed SITLA land, as well as to manage business zoning. The city council opened up the meeting to further public comment; a Kanab citizen requested access to the general plan documentation, and the council directed anyone who wished to see the general plan to the city website, in addition to the public notice on Utah’s public notice website. Anyone can subscribe to receive those public notices via email as well.

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The city reviewed engineering services done by contractors for the city so far, and agreed to send out requests for qualifications to contractors in the area - essentially double checking that construction projects are being completed by the best engineers to which the city has access and for the best price. It was described by city council members as “not being dissatisfied with Civil Service, just making sure we’re opening the playing field.”

There was a controversial zoning change, as evidenced by multiple members of the public arriving to comment - the mayor looked to open up an unscheduled public hearing in order to hear everyone out, but the conclusion was reached to host a special public hearing for November 8. On that day, there would be the full council in attendance, as well as the applicant of the zoning change. The citizens were reminded that public hearings are more accessible at the planning and zoning meeting level, and to keep an eye on planning and zoning scheduling; per Mayor Johnson, City Council meetings are less inclined to public hearings.

The final item on the agenda formalized Celeste Cram as the Kanab City Recorder. According to the mayor, “Celeste is already our Interim City Recorder, she’s been doing a great job. I’ve talked to her about becoming the official, long term City Recorder.” The city council in attendance agreed that Cram’s work was exemplary, and the motion to appoint Cram as the City Recorder passed and was followed by the motion to adjourn. Citizens who wish to review the proceedings of the city council can check the official minutes on the public notice website or review the video playback on the city’s Facebook page.




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